Single solution for all your drinking water system applications. Removal of biofilms, Descaling, Sanitation & Acidification of drinking water.
A Web and Mobile App designed to optimize efficiency, enhance productivity, and ensure poultry business success, featuring real-time monitoring, customizable alarms, data management, visualization, internal reports, and analysis.
The endeavour of the group is to improve animal healthcare by exploring meaningful opportunities and working on them through research & innovation, make it suitable for everyone. The group also aspires to actively contribute to improving customer education, providing distance learning programs for stakeholders and digitalizing the animal production system.
Saife Vetmed has introduced Novadip, its first patented product, in India. This achievement is the result of the hard work and dedication of the Saife team. Novadip is available both online and offline and has received great appreciation. It can now be purchased on Netmeds and Amazon.
Saife Vetmed is earnestly trying to establish an educational program emphasizing the importance of:
A. Pre-cleaning   B. Cleaning
C. Disinfection  D.
Pre and Post disinfection (microbial load monitoring).
This provides a potent preventive protocol using suitable chemicals based on their nature and
The company envisage that the education of human resources will be the key to advancing
the successful implementation of a biosecurity program.
Saife Vetmed India has launched its One Vs and Two Vs wound sprays, targeting the global dairy and pet markets. The nanotechnology has a unique feature of:
a) Single-time dressing.
b) Effective in surgical and non-surgical/infectious wounds.
Manufactured to high-quality standards, the sprays effectively meet the needs of both dairy and pet animals. This introduction underscores Saife Vetmed India's commitment to consistently working on novel and effective solutions for animal healthcare.